YOU MAY ACCESS YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS BY USING THE ELATION PASSPORT PATIENT PORTAL without filling out a medical release. If you would like to access your existing medical records through the Patient Portal, please go to this website: Patient Portal.
If you would like your records mailed, faxed or picked up in person, you must complete a MEDICAL RELEASE in order for us to supply that information. (No medical release is required to access your records through the portal.)
Instructions to complete release:
When you fill out the release, if we are releasing information TO someone, please check the box under FROM: Stephanie Cudjoe MD and then on release TO, you will provide the information requested.
If you need to request records FROM another facility, you can use the same release for that as well. Please complete the information under RELEASE RECORDS FROM: with the facility we are going to receive records from. Then, for release records TO, please check STEPHANIE CUDJOE MD.
You can download the release below and fax that release to us at (972) 947-5284. Please allow up to 15 days for records to be released.